Welcome! 🙂
Welcome! This website is a demo for the Building Websites in RStudio talk presented at RLadies Amherst and RLadies Baltimore in Spring 2021. The site includes slides and additional resources to learn more about using Distill and Blogdown making websites in RStudio.
Resources 📚
- Distill for R Markdown by JJ Allaire, Rich Iannone, Alison Presmanes Hill, Yihui Xie ORCID ID
- (Re-)introducing Distill for R Markdown blog post by Alison Hill and JJ Allaire
- M-F-E-O: postcards + distill blog post by Alison Hill
- postcards package by Sean Kross
- blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Hill
- Blog posts by Alison Hill
RStudio + GitHub
- Happy git and GitHub for the R useR by Jenny Bryan, the STAT 545 TAs, Jim Hester